3 Steps to help you conquer any life event & BEGIN AGAIN
“Some blessings come in packages that you don’t want. Sometimes God will allow storms to come into our lives that will truly shake us to our core. But within that storm is a blessing so great that years from now you will look back and thank God for that storm.”
-Kain Worthy
When I got the call about Kain and Karleigh flying up from Lousiana and their desire to do some pictures in NYC to represent a significant time in their life of picking up the pieces and moving forward. I was honored to be apart and still in shock of what happened.
To be around Kain’s energetic and positive spirit was admiring and spoke to my own life and some of the situations that I’ve faced. I knew things hadn’t been easy for him but his hope, and faith of a new beginning continued to stand out to me. In life we can allow the things that happen to us to define who we are or we can choose to take those situations as opportunities to recalibrate and “Begin Again.”
We get to choose the perspective we place on things. And turn disadvantages into our advantages. Talk about being powerful!
It’s not what happens to you that matters, it’s what you choose to do with what happens to you.
Here are 3 Steps to help you, Begin Again:
1. Forgive
2. Learn from your mistakes
3. Course Correct + Move Forward
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
-Marin Luther King Jr.